To view & purchase George E. Miller's artwork please click this etsy shop link

“I use my gift to encourage students to stay in school, to salute the adults that stand up for our children and to make visible the love that exists but cannot always be seen.”

Welcome  to the George E. Miller Art Studio website

About George

George Miller is an illustrator and public speaker based out of northeast Florida. For over 20 years educational institutions, private and public offices, businesses and communities all over the world have benefited from George's multicultural and child advocacy artwork and messages.

George's art inspires us to learn in cross-cultural and multi-ethnic environments. Students and parents, educators and professionals, business owners and government leaders have praised George for his work that clearly reflects a love for children, his respect for those who teach and care for our kids, and his passion to bring awareness to the problem of illiteracy.

As an invited speaker at conferences and local schools, George's lively presentations focus on both the benefits of the creative process, and our individual ability to self-determine a lifetime of successful living.


George E Miller’s, It Takes An Entire Village To Raise A Child was used
in the feature film, “The Preacher’s Wife,” starring Denzel Washington.
It is also seen in the official trailer beginning at 00:41 second mark.

"Mr. Miller is one of the most committed artists I have ever met during my more than thirty years in the educational field. His art is motivational, educational and inspiring. His belief that all students are capable of achieving at high levels is made manifest in his artistic renderings of students and teachers working collaboratively together.

His art work was selected to be used as the logo for our company to best represent the essence of our professional development firm from a long list of potential artists. It was chosen because his art work speaks to the recognition of the value and beauty of teaching and learning for all students.

Therefore, I heartily endorse his work and encourage those who are also committed to educating young people; and those who wish to share the value and love of teaching and learning to include his work as they seek to inspire parents, teachers, students and other stakeholders to engage themselves in the teaching and learning process."

Lloyd D. Martin, Ph.D
President/CEO, Universal School Solutions

Commemorative Art

Most of the artwork on this website has been commissioned by organizations. Each piece is unique, illustrating the theme of their respective conference, event or services with a common thread—child advocacy. Moreover, the titles of many of the illustrations (such as, “Going to Bat for Our Children,” “We Love to Read” and “Our Children, Our World, Our Future”) are the actual theme names of the conferences they were created for.

Invite George E. Miller

• Guest Speaker • Presenter • Visiting Artist • Artist-In-Residence Program

There is nothing wrong with creating art for art’s sake.  However, George Miller uses his art as an advocate for children, quote: “I use my gift to encourage students to stay in school, to salute the adults that stand up for our children and to make visible the love that exists but cannot always be seen”. More about Inviting George

To view photos of workshops and presentations, visit the media page.

Explore My Full Gallery